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Thimble Weed - Anemone virginiana

Thimble Weed - Anemone virginiana

Anemone virginiana, also known as Thimbleweed, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and the UP. It reaches 2 to 3 feet tall and flowers from June to August with a white blossom. The flower transforms into a thimble covered with fluffy seeds that are nearly as attractive as the flower. Even after the seeds have flown, the thimble remains for winter interest. This combined with reddish fall foliage make this a great plant for seasonal garden interest.


Thimbleweed prefers part sun and well-drained, medium medium moisture soil, but will tolerate full sun to full shade and will grow in clay, loam, or sand. Once established, this plant is drought resistant and is a good choice for drier sites. It also handles rocky or shallow soils with ease. Good for rock gardens, shade gardens, dry soil, garden accents, borders, and naturalizing into short-grass meadows.

    PriceFrom $6.00
    Excluding Sales Tax |
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