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Steeplebush - Spiraea tomentosa

Steeplebush - Spiraea tomentosa

Spiraea tomentosa, or Steeplebush, is a perennial shrub native to Michigan and the U.P. It prefers average, acidic, moist to wet soils in full sun, but will tolerate part shade and a variety of moist soils. Steeplebush grows 2 to 4 feet in height and spreads by suckering to form colonies. Individual stems don't branch much, so the suckering habit is needed for it to fill in. It can be used as a hedge or border.


Steeplebush flowers on new wood with dense spikes of small pink flowers that bloom from top to bottom from mid-summer to early autumn. Woody stems may die to the ground in winter. Flowers are attractive to butterflies though there is little nectar. Its abundant pollen resources are used by bees. Steeplebush is the host plant for Azure butterflies, Sphinx moths, several other nice moths, and other insects. Deer resistant.


These plants are sourced from Designs By Nature, LLC, Laingsburg, MI.

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