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Rose Mallow Hibiscus - Hibiscus moscheutos

Rose Mallow Hibiscus - Hibiscus moscheutos

Hibiscus moscheutos, also known as Hardy Hibiscus, Swamp Mallow, or Rose Mallow, is a perennial plant native to lower Michigan.  It has spectacular blooms - each flower is 4 to 6 inches in size, and they range from rich pink to white with a reddish-pink center. This is a show-stopping container plant for your deck or pond! 


Long bloom time - mid-summer to fall, and attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. It is susceptible to excessive cold, so plant in a sheltered location, container plant, or offer spring frost protection in exposed areas. This hibiscus reaches 3 to 5 feet high, so make sure the container is large if container planting.


This plant likes it wet, and would make a stunning addition to a rain garden, tolerating standing water up to 6 inches. It does best in organically rich, moist to wet, loam or clay soil, but will do fine in regular garden soil. Hibiscus prefers full sun, but will tolerate part sun with less blooms. At peak bloom, a large plant can put out 20 flowers a day!

    PriceFrom $6.00
    Excluding Sales Tax |
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