Dogtooth Daisy - Helenium autumnale
Helenium autumnale, also known as Dogtooth Daisy or Sneezeweed, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and the UP. The name Sneezeweed refers to its prior medical use when the dried, powdered plant would be snorted to induce sneezing and clear the reperatory system. Like Goldenrods, Dogtooth Daisy pollen is not airborne and does not cause seasonal allergies.
Plant reaches 4 feet tall and flowers from August to October with a yellow blossom.
It prefers full sun to partial shade, medium to wet soil and will grow in muck, clay or loam. It is found on streambanks, shorelines, and other wet habitats above the high water mark, but can also be found in prairie loam type soils and ditches.Dogtooth Daisy is a host for Checkerspot butterflies and a good pollinator plant with abundant flowers.