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Aster, Purplestem - Symphyotrichum puniceum

Aster, Purplestem - Symphyotrichum puniceum

Symphyotrichum puniceum, also known as Purplestem or Swamp Aster, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.

This showy aster reaches 3 feet tall (sometimes taller) and flowers from August to October with extravagant clusters of blue blossoms.

It prefers full sun to partial shade, medium to wet soil and will grow in muck, clay or loam. It is tolerant of calcareous soils (limestone). For soils that get a bit of moisture, this is the showiest of the "ordinary" asters, rivaling New England Aster.


Purplestem Aster is an important fall nectar plant and its profusion of large flowers attracts a variety of bees, butterflies, moths, and other pollinators. Fall nectar is essential for migrating insects (e.g., Monarch Butterflies), those that overwinter as adults (e.g., Comma & Mourning Cloak Butterflies, new queen bees), and those that need fuel to finish their brood chambers or mate before frost comes (many bee species). Asters are also the caterpillar host plant for Checkerspot and Crescent butterflies. Many other insects use various parts of the aster, In addition to fall seeds, the profusion of insect life makes aster an excellent food plant for birds.

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