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Aster, Bigleaf - Eurybia macrophylla

Aster, Bigleaf - Eurybia macrophylla

Eurybia macrophylia , also known as Big Leaf Aster, is a perennial wildflower native to Michigan and common in the UP.
This aster has striking lush foliage and small sprigs of light blue-purple flowers to decorate a forest floor or shady yard.  Foliage  reaches 1 foot tall  with flower stalks above, which flower from August to October.  Big Leaf Aster prefers partial sun to full shade, wet to dry soil and will grow in muck, clay, loam or sand.  We recommend Big Leaf Aster as a ground cover.  It forms rhizomatous colonies of luscious green leaves that provide native habitat and keep the ground covered and stable in shaded to part sun areas.  

This plant likes life under pines, making it a good choice for some difficult spots. Plant at the drip line of your trees. If there is adequate moisture beneath, the plants will spread to fill the space.

    PriceFrom $6.00
    Excluding Sales Tax |
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