Rock Garden Kit
A garden kit is a collection of plants pre-selected by our nursery to meet a certain purpose, designed to make gardening goals easy. They can be used as a quick way to start gardening native without having to do as much research. Kits are pre-arranged in the tray so you can plant them just as they are for an instant garden design, with tall plants in the back and short, showy plants in the front. Or, since each plant is labeled with plant name and height, you can arrange them to suit your space.
The Rock Garden Kit is designed for average garden soil and full to part sun and contains plants suited to shallow soils & exposed spots. It will contain 2 to 5 of each species. A typical kit would contain the following mix of plants, but one way we keep the per plant costs low on garden kits is by reserving the right to substitute plants based on our current inventory. The plants included will meet the stated goals of the kit, in this case, plants that thrive in rocky nooks and crannies. If you need specific plants for your garden goals, consider supplementing your garden kit with quarts.
Plants are selected either because they are small and thrive when competition is restricted, because they are durable and can thrive with minimal soil, or because they like to sprawl gracefully. Heights range from 6 inches to 4 feet. Our standard kit includes:
- Canadian Milkvetch
- Rock Harlequin
- Three-toothed cinquefoil
- Bigleaf Aster
- Wild Petunia
- Spotted Bee Balm
- Hairy Beardtongue
- Hairy or Early Goldenrod
- Prairie Phlox
- Columbine
- Poverty Oat Grass
Rock Harlequin is an annual and will not be available for fall kits. If substitutions are necessary, they may include Canada Anemone, Harebell, Thimbleweed, Hoary Vervain, Blue Vervain, Monkey Flower, Indian Tobacco, Prairie Dropseed, Side-oats Grama, Heartleaf Foamflower, Sundrops, Meadowsweet, Jacob's Ladder, Violets, Prairie Sage, Barren Strawberry, or Wild Strawberry. These plants are also recommended if you want to expand your garden. If you are looking for a rock-loving shrub, consider suplimenting your kit with Ninebark.
The amount of space this kit will fill depends on the size and spacing of your rocks and existing vegetation. If planted in a standard garden bed, this economical collection of 38 plant plugs will fill 38 square feet at 1-foot spacing - a 4'x9.5' bed; or up to 86 square feet at 1.5 sq. ft. spacing - a 6'x14' bed. Each kit comes with a planting guide. The plants are individually tagged for identification and all tags include height so you can alter the layout to suit your space.
Product page updated March of 2024.